Welcome to Our Farm

Our Genes are Blue

Our beautiful Blue Buck, Levi's Blue Gene's, is the herd sire for our MGR (Myotonic Goat Registry) registered Fainters.  He  is absolutely stunning and a good boy too!  Fainting goats make great family pets and are fairly easy keepers.  Their genetic disposition to muscle stiffening makes them less likely to escape fencing, and they seem to have a natural resistance to diseases.  Combined with a relatively small size, this makes fainting goats the perfect weed control pet.  

Total Lunar Eclipse

We first became enamored with donkeys when we procured one to be a Livestock Guardian for our goats.  Coyotes are one of the many predators in our area, and donkeys are a natural deterrent, as they have an instinctual dislike of all things canine.  After gentling our beautiful spotted jennet Ginger, we found her a pregnant companion, Mary Ann. Her beautiful all black foal was born at Moon Shadow Farm  on June 15, 2011.  This date marks a total lunar eclipse, therefore we have officially named our lovable Luna "Moonshadow Farm Total Lunar Eclipse".  This lovely girl was imprinted from birth, and is as friendly as can be!  If you wonder "why donkeys?", you probably have never met one!  Come see why we love our asses.

Buckeye Chickens...

Just one of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy heritage species that you will find here.  Buckeyes are a dual purpose chicken that does best under free range conditions.  We consider it to be the perfect breed for the American Homestead.  Buckeyes were developed by Mrs. Nettie Metcalf of Warren, Ohio, and appropriately named after the"Buckeye State".  Buckeyes are unique in the American Class of chickens in that it is the only breed created entirely by a woman.  At our small family based farm, all of the animals here get a big daily dose of love and attention.  Our breeds are chosen based on preserving American farmland heritage and conserving natural resources.  We feel that these extremely cold hardy chickens make great layers and are large enough to put meat on the table.  We are currently assessing our flock for reproduction, and hope to help take the Buckeyes of the ALBC threatened list.

More fun than a barrel of Buckeyes!
Our only Ram at the moment, Ramses.